Saturday, May 31, 2008

Love marriage or Arrange marriage?

Love or arranged marriages is still a debatable topic in the Indian society. People still debate on the issue, which one is better. What should be the basis of the marriage love or social norms? We are still confused about these issues. Education and media played a vital role in changing the perception of the Indian mind. As people started thinking beyond the social customs and traditions of arranged marriages. They realized that they have the right to choose their life partner without any kind of social pressure. It is after all their life. They can decide without having to rely on parents, relatives and matchmakers. This change in the mental set up of the people gave birth to love marriages. Now in India people are open to love marriages. It is no more forbidden in the society. In our country we are having both love and arranged marriages. If we start comparing love and arranged marriages we will see that both has certain pros and cons. But the common factor in both the concept is physical attraction. When a man and a woman go out on their first date physical attraction is the deciding factor. Same in case of arranged marriage where the relation starts only after the girl or boy likes each other. But there are certain things, which are found in love marriages and not in arranged. Like spending time together and getting to know each other. Because when you have decided to spend the life together it is important you know the person. There should be metal compatibility and understanding among both of you. And this happens when you spend time together. On this people may argue that even after knowing each other for so long than why people get divorced after marriage. It is because when two people are in love they are at their best to impress each other. They behave, they talk and they wear what the other person likes. But it is after marriage that you get to know the real person. There are couples who are still discovering each other even after twenty years of their marriage. This is the actual beauty of a relationship where everyday you discover a new thing about your partner.

In case of arranged marriages the relation starts when the girl and the boy get to know each other in a couple of meeting before the final commitment. Before deciding anything the parents check the family background and financial stability. Which is also very important. As most of the people have an idea that those who go for arranged marriages are not in an advantageous position but it's not so you may get the right person for whom you have been waiting. Even in love marriages after many years of courtship people find their partner not suitable and they break up. So it is not about spending time together but successful marriage is all about understanding and respecting each other's feelings, love and concern. It is argued that love marriages offer more independence and freedom as compared to arranged marriages since both of them knows each other so the social pressure and family pressure is less. If you know somebody before marriage it allows partners to have better respect and understanding for each other's needs and desires. In love marriages expectations are more compared to arrange marriages, as they know each other and want their partner to act in the best possible manner.

Arranged marriages, offer more protection, security to the women. As the parents decides the family. Parents make use of maturity and wise decision while choosing suitable spouses for their children. The mature decision of parents sometimes helps to make the right choice. But it doesn't mean that arranged marriages are ideal marriages. Even in an arranged marriage there is a different sort of social pressure. Social evils like dowry, caste system, matching of horoscopes and community issues are taken at such extreme levels that people don't support arranged marriages. So whether it is love or arranged ultimately it is up to the individual to decide, which one to go for. Love or arranged both is based on empathy, responsibility, commitment, love and concern. So it's not just about initial love and attraction it needs a lot of dedication and effort to sustain a marriage. So there is nothing like an ideal marriage it's all about the way you perceive your marriage. After all you should be happy with your life partner irrespective of love or arranged marriage.

From the Author:

Love marriage or arranged, it takes two people really responsible honest and committed to succeed. But I personally do feel that, expectations are much more in case of Love Marriage as compared to that in Arragne Marriage. In case of Arrange Marriage, the couple always care for his or her partner about their likes and dislikes, their habbits and their nature. Getting married is a complete package. One just doesn't marry the person as such but his habits, his family, his emotional problems, his background, his experiences, his career and lot of other things that are required to be dealt with. In case of Arrange Marriage, there is always an option of compromization because of uncertainity of partner's behaviour. Where as In case of Love Marriage, the Partners are independent, they both want all the things at their own way....

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Why the Hell is this Blog Created???

I always wonder, why the hell should I create a blog?. Specially when, there are countless bolgs developing everyday, on almost every topic. Some of them, specially prepared by professional writers, and even some lucky blogs are created by, the film stars like, amit sir, and aamir khan....... everyone is dying to see their bolg... and no wonder, i guess thay have created that master- piece for their fan. I mean everybody here wants to be highlighted in industry or in society. And offcourse this is a very impressive way of expressing ur views and thoughts on any damm subject. But like I always beilive experimenting different varieties, I have decided to create virtual place on internet ( so called blog ) for those who dont know me , where we can do whatever our heart says, as i am a damm heart follower. The place is called " YARAN DI MEHFIL "..
Honestly and to be very frankly, i am talking ( targeting ) the issuses which are cureently needed to be in debate... but this is only one part of the mehfil. You can share, your thoughts, views and suggestions with all freedom. There are no bouandries, on subject or category( except vulgar ) on which we talk. I specially love to hear you, sharing your problem also. This place is like a spot where we will discuss our personal matters, our special incidents and will disucss about the funny moments, but as i told you we will begin with light topics which really attracts the youth.....
This blog is dedicated to few very special and important persons in my life, without whom I would never be at this place, where I am...... Hardik Raychanda, the name which is closely attached with my life. Though we dont have any blood relation between us, but our relation proves that, sometime even the water is thicker then the blood. He himself is a big fan of my writing, and just because of his efforts, I had committed this beautiful mistake of blogging......... maulik vyas working in eco. times, is also one of my great friend, who has guided me whenever i need him....

The Author JC has no experience of creative writing, so this would be his first experiment or adventure.....
Please do send me your suggestions and ideas on my email id Contributor's name will be published on the blog.